Saturday 19 November 2011

Things that are Worse than The Twin Dilemma

By David Parkinson, Cyberman bit by Peter Quinn

The Twin Dilemma was voted the worst serial ever in Doctor Who Magazines Mighty 200. Here are things worse then it:

  • Doctor In Distress
This is what a human hears before Death comes to take them to Candyland or whatever. Colin Baker singing, along with some T-List singing "sensations" makes for some rather distressing things. Recorded when the show was on hiatus. To be honest, they thought it was going to be cancelled, and Anthony Ainley and Nick Courtney are in it, so I guess in terms of Who people in it, it's quite alright. But the song's utterly shit.

  • The acting in Timelash
Especially the old man who's meant to be the Borad. He needs more lessons. And actual talent.

  • Dalek Sec's a Human now
It's been said about one hundred trillion times before, a lot by me, so I'm going to skip over that

  • Dimensions In Time
Take all 7 Doctors (at the time of broadcast), get a man who's job is to produce the series (J N-T), take some of the Doctor's enemies (Daleks, Ogrons, Draconians and Cybermen) and about every single companion he's ever had, and stick them in one charity special. If this already sounds cluttered to you, add to it the fact that it's a crossover with Eastenders (For none UK viewers, EastEnders is a soap opera that's mostly viewed by pensioners and housewives) and put a really very embarrasing speech read by an old and very out of place Tom Baker, in which he says the Rani "Hates Christmas and Children." What a bitch.

  • The Tremas Master costume
What are you, a man or a weird 20's dark Clown juggler?

  • Everyone is now John Simm
Because that motherfucker can do whatever he wants. Nothing against Simm, by the way.

  • The Kandyman is comin' to town
A camp homicidal robot made of Bertie Basset's Allsorts that's weakened by Lemonade. Yep, that's pedophile material for you

  • The Slitheen
The Slitheen are really a big mess. For one, the fact that they're not totally CGI makes for awkward bits where the CGI and the actual suits look awful in comparison.

  • Fear Her
The unforgiving piece of shitty shit that is Fear Her has only one good use: The source of jokes between me and a good friend, who, believe it or not, is also linked to this blog you are reading.

  • Chloe Webber
Firstly: I'm not a giant racist. No, again, I'm not Sepp Blatter. I'm talking about the acting used in Fear Her , in particular Chloe Webber, who's actress plays her as she is: a moron.

  • Tegan's Hair Curtains
Consult the review of " A Fix With Sontarans" on this blog for more details.

  • K9
Consult "Why I Hate K9" again, on this blog, for more details
  • Honorary: The Cybermen 
I just think they're stupid, overused and gold is a pathetic weakness. Their revamp was dumb and boring, Closing Time was an abomination, Delete is NOT a good catchphrase as it sounds like a broken computer, their voice is irritating also. They look clunky and basic AND 4 Daleks beat an army of them. Therefore, Daleks are better.

  • Adric
Adric's a snotty show off. He'll always be one, in my eyes. Saying that, I felt as sad as a Weeping Angel when he died. More so because he killed innocent Dinosaurs. Rest in Peace, my reptilian brethren. Gone too soon.

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