Sunday 9 October 2011

Why I Hate K9

Dogs are awesome. Better then cats any day of the week. Unless said dog is a robot whose voice is what you hear when a middle aged constipated woman tries to take a dump while singing. Let's face it, K9 Sucks. All he does is say "Affirmative Master" and get an eye boner, i.e that sucker thingy that comes out of his face.  Then there's his "weapon" a laser firing nose penis, which serves function bar impressing female robot dogs.

Just look at K9 and Company. If that had gotten picked up for a series, what would K9 have turned into to? Probably what Disney XD did to him. Not only did XD, which is a terrible name for a channel by the way, turn him into a weird Insect-Hound, they gave him ATTITUDE. Not only does he now look like he's been designed by a four year old, he now makes smart quips and openly insults people. If you want to see the abomination in action, here's the trailer

There was never a happier moment for me in January 2007 then seeing K9 stuck in deep space having to take care of a black hole, meaning he had to stay there and not invade my TV screen. He, of course, returned
This, this is excellent 
and annoyed me again, but then Luke had to go,
and now I'm happy.

K9 and company is another thing. A result of John Nathan Turner's "great" idea to capitalize on K9, even the opening sequence is terrible. Think cheesy 80's tv show mixed with the irreplaceable terrible idea of K9 and you'll have it pictured. There'll be a link to it at the end, for those who have a very little imagination. Of course this was a John Nathan Turner production, so it's this reason why I refer to
K9 and company as the Dimensions in Time of the spin off world. I would say K9, but seeing as it's not a BBC production, it doesn't count, which incidentally means they can't really make any references to Doctor Who in it.

To me, K9 is up there with Mel and Martha in the list of annoying companions to the Doctor. He'd be 2nd in the list, just narrowly beaten by Ms Carrot juice herself, Bonnie Langford. Who knows, maybe she'll be returning to these segments....

Saying that though, K9 isn't as pointless as Kamelion. He definitely is the most pointless robot ever made. Introduced, brought onto the Tardis, disappears for most of the time, then gets taken over by the Master again, and begs the Doctor to kill him. So he does, and Kamelion becomes a premier red shirt character in Doctor Who history.

K9 will always irritate me beyond belief, for now and the rest of my life.

"Affirmative, Master David"

"Shut up K9. Please shut up"

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