Sunday 27 November 2011

A Mind Battle: Daleks vs Cybermen

For the Daleks: Peter Quinn

For the Cybermen: David Parkinson

DP: First of all, the Cybermen are much scarier than the Daleks. I mean, the Cybermen used to be JUST LIKE YOU, The Daleks used to be alien humanoids. The Daleks couldn’t even get up the stairs until 1987, for peats sake!

PQ: The daleks have been striking fear into the hearts of britain since the second story. If you ask anyone of the older generation about doctor who, daleks will crop up most. The cybermen are just pathetic, i mean a homeless person could make a better costume from a bin than from what the bbc did for the original cybermen. 4 Daleks BEAT AN ARMY OF CYBERMEN. Daleks have remained VERY high in every poll for scariest monsters. Daleks have a backstory and are integral for many plot arcs, cybermen are there, say some bollocks and then are gone.

DP: The Daleks are overused and always get defeated in the same way. Sure, the Cybermen may not be trying to use a reality bomb, or assassinate the High Council on Gallifrey, but they always have plots that MAKE SENSE. They try to eliminate their weakness to gold in Revenge, they try to avert their own planet's destruction in Attack, and they have one of the best episodes ever in Earthshock. What do the Daleks have? a whole line of serial featuring their creator, who seems to survive more times then the bad X Factor contestant who's kept in for viewing figures.

PQ: Right, Cybermen are all for upgrading to be better. Daleks aren't-because they're ALREADY the best in warfare. Daleks were a central part of the raging time war because the only species they felt threatened by was the time lords. And lets face it- Davros is a BAMF- whereas to become a higher "rank" as a cyberman you just paint your handles black. Emperor Dalek was a hard boss to beat as he was MASSIVE and had a cool voice. Cybermen had cybermats...which is like their bugs or something. DALEKS come in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes too- Cybermen are just plain.

DP: For one, the Dalek Emperor couldn't move, he was stuck, where as the Cyber Controller could move. The Cybermen are more effecient, and get much more important stories. In the Five Doctors, for example, only one Dalek appears, where as a whole legion of Cybermen show up, and actually do something threatening, where as the Dalek spins around and blows itself up

PQ: John Lumic- All i'm saying.

DP: Daleks that get defeated by mirrors- All I'm saying

PQ: Throwing Gold Glitter kills a cyberman- A stuck-up middle class princess could defeat one at an art club

DP: Daleks are so overused, 2 movies that are terrible and an adult film were based around them

PQ: Emotions as a weakness? Sounds like the weakness of a girl who's just been dumped

DP: A Dalek was killed by a middle classed shop assistant touching it. AND, AND the mutant is just a FISH SHOP reject. Also, Evolution of the Daleks, and the musical titled Daleks in Manhatten are weak

PQ: Cybermen have no clear goal, now daleks: Not only are they godly and fantastic, but they have a clear goal!
They don't want to enslave humans. They want to kill them! Get rid of em! And it's not just humans, they want to kill EVERYTHING NON-DALEK! How badass is that!?

DP: The Cybermen do have a clear goal, to make everyone like them.


DP: In Conclusion, Daleks just try to blow up the Universe. The Cybermen just want to make it like them

PQ: Cybermen<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Daleks

What do you think? Are you pro-Cyber, or do you just want to exterminate everything you can?

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