Saturday 12 November 2011

Doctor Who Appreciation Corner presents: The Sixth Doctor

How you doin'?

When Peter Davison bowed out in Caves of Androzani, many were skeptical of this new Doctor with a semi-blond afro. In fact, many still are today. But, I really do love the sixth Doctor, portrayed expertly by Colin Baker. Baker's performance as The Doctor, to me, is not only one of the strongest in the series, but in British television also.

Sure, many people regard this tenure as the time when the series went down to the dumps, but it's not. It saddens me to say that it went down there when Colin Ba- Sorry, I mean Sylvestor McCoy in a blond wig, lay down on the Tardis floor and regenerated, ushering in a time of Umbrellas, a time when the hate of Michael Grade seemed more obvious. It's a damn pity, because McCoy was a great actor too. And also a great Doctor. But, this is about Colin Baker and his wonderfully odd Time Lord, so let's begin, shall we?

His first adventure, The Twin Dilemma, is, how shall I put this, dreadful. But, if you're a first time Baker watcher, don't let this put you off. The follwing story, Attack of The Cybermen, is actually quite alright, despite the rather plucky half converted human, Bates, who spends half his time cursing the Cybermen, the other half doing the tough guy act. Attack also sees the return of two primary bits of the show, 76 Totter's Lane, the first location we see the Tardis in, and Lytton, the mercenary last seen working for the Daleks. We also see the Chameleon Circuit (almost) working again. Which gives off a very weird feel to it.

But, The Sixth Doctor wouldn't have a sure fire hit until the infamous Trial of A Time Lord series, focusing on the Doctor's trial by the Time Lords, in an attempt to cover up a massive secret ol Six almost uncovers. The trial is overlooked by the Valeyard, and his identity, along with the previously mentioned massive secret are really unexpected twists, which add to the splendor of this magnificent series.

Then, it all came crashing down, as Colin Baker was fired by the Beeb. And this is why McCoy had to play both the 6th and 7th Doctors in the regeneration sequence he filmed. But this wasn't the worst bit of the 6th Doctor era. No, I'm sorry to say that this was

Recommended titles for discovery:

Trial Of A Timelord
Attack of The Cybermen
Revelation of The Daleks (one of the better Dalek serials to feature Davros)

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