Sunday 23 October 2011

Review of Death is The Only Answer

By David Parkinson

First Thing's first: Why the hell is that the title? I thought it might be a tie in to the Question, but then I realized it can't be, after all it was written by a group of schoolchildren, not Moffat. Yes, it's the result of a contest to find the next generation of script writers, although hopefully they'll have improved by the time they grow up and write a script.

DITOA struggles from it's opening scene, with Matt Smith uttering one of the most child written lines I've heard this week:

"I can't believe River blew you up." 

It may sound normal on paper, but on screen it's like a birthday party for a 6 year old.

Add the line to the fact the plot makes no sense whatsoever and you'll have gotten through the least of the mini episode's problems. For one, Einstein just happens to make a formula that'll turn him into an Ood that has a translator sphere already attached. He may be a great mind, but he's not that clever. And then there's the worst scene in the whole affair when The Doctor is "threatened" by the Albert Ood. By threatened I mean the Ood just walks at him spouting out rubbish then walks into a spotlight and turns back into Einstein. Yes, Moffat might have inserted the answer bit as a means of fitting it into the continuity of the show, but I doubt it. Nikolas Grace plays Einstein as a half irritating half ok character. 

I would criticize the script, but it's written by kids and I don't want to disparage them, but this really was a pile of crap.

You'll Like

  • If you're related to or one of the children
  • The fact that it ends quickly
You'll hate
  • The most pointless use of the Ood since The End of Time
  • Einstein
  • The whole premise
Rating: 2/5

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